Getting started

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What the ATO API Portal does

The ATO API Portal provides digital service providers (DSPs) with secure access to develop with, test and use ATO-developed application programming interfaces (APIs) in their applications.

Here you can:

  • browse our API catalogue to discover our APIs and view documentation and specifications
  • subscribe to our APIs to start developing with and test them in your applications.

What an API is

An application programming interface (API) is a software broker that allows applications to talk to each other. It’s also a tool so you can re-use parts of existing systems when designing new products.

APIs allow developers to build services that talk to each other and give secure, efficient access to ATO data or functions.

Using our digital services

We offer a range of digital services for DSPs through both the ATO API Portal and other channels like Standard Business Reporting (SBR).

Before commencing development, we recommend that you:

  • review the ATO services that you'll use in your software or applications, and whether these services are available on either the ATO API Portal or in SBR
  • consider how the ATO service will be used within your software or applications and who the end user will be.

How to start using our API portal services

The steps to start using the APIs available on the API portal are summarised below. For more detailed instructions, see how to use our API portal services.

Step 1: register to the ATO API Portal by creating a

Step 2: complete the security questionnaire.

Step 3: develop and test with APIs.

Step 4: request production access.

The process to get started with SBR is different.

API portal structure

The ATO API Portal is structured into 2 main tiers:


A team is a group from a business responsible for the development and maintenance of one or more applications. The team tier allows you to group your applications.

You may choose to have one or multiple teams registered for the ATO API Portal. This can be useful if your business has multiple development teams looking after different applications.

Within a team, you can create multiple team applications.

Team application

A team application is created within a team.

Within your team application, you:

  • subscribe to the APIs you would like to use
  • access and manage your credentials (consumer or API keys)
  • access analytics and data about consumption.

Each team application can be subscribed to multiple APIs.

Contact us

If you need support using our ATO API Portal or APIs, you can contact us.